Trinity United Methodist Church
715 Ash Street (the corner of 8th and Ash Streets), Fernandina Beach, Fl 32034
Phone: (904) 310-9620; email: Church Office
Sunday at 11:00 am - all are welcome to worship our risen savior.
Tuesday at 10:30 am - prayer shawl class/ministry
Thursday at 10:30 am - Brother Norman leads us in Bible Study
Our Mission Statement:
“The mission of Trinity is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We proclaim the good news of God’s grace and by exemplifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor, thus seeking the fulfillment of God’s reign in the world.”

Sitting on the corner of Ash and South 8th Streets, with it’s trim and bell tower freshly painted with a beautiful sunset in the background.

Over the past six years, we have been doing extensive renovations to enhance the beauty of the church.
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