Welcome to Fernandina’s Historic Trinity Church. We have a small, loving and dedicated congregation with inspired leadership who collectively are seeking a closer walk with our gracious God in our thoughts, words and deeds. The power of the Trinity worship experience depends on the efforts of many people. Listed here are some of the people with designated responsibilities. Our Mentees handle our audio/visual system and manage the live streaming of our services on our Facebook page.

Sha Baker
Executive Secretary

James Geiger
Master of the keyboards

Daniel Daly
Percushionist to the stars

Lona Smith
Lay Speaker/SPRC

Norman Hill
Lay Leader

Rev John Galman
Pastor Emeritus

Nancy Scofield

Serena Peterson
Community Liason

Charles Preus
Treasurer, SPRC

Rose Baker
Maintaining the beauty of the sanctuary
for the glory of God.

Phyllis Ray
Maintaining the beauty of the sanctuary
for the glory of God.

Our Mentees work as a team to perform acolyte duties and manage our audio/visual equipment and ensure our services get streamed out to our Facebook site in real time as well as being available to view in the future. From left to right; Pastor Granardo Felix, Tyjhawn Brown, Ta’Jon Nelms, Josh Modupe, Jemari Johnson, Nancy Lee and Gary Fobert. The Fobert’s have hosted the team at their home.
Chairperson Church Council:
Sis. Lona Smith
Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC):
Sis. Lona Smith, Chairperson
Bro. Marvin Harker, Member
Bro. Charlie Preus, Member
Committee on Finance:
Bro. Charlie Preus, Treasurer
Sis. Patty Ess - member
Sis. Sha Baker - member
Board of Trustees:
Bro. Scott Leslie, Chairperson
Sis. Nancy Scofield, Member
Bro. David Parks, Member
Sis. Al Tyre, Member
Bro. David Anstine, Member
Lay Leaders:
Sis. Lona Smith, Lay Leader
Pastor Roschnell Brown, Lay Member
Sis. Mishonda Felix, Lay Member
Bro. Norman Hill, Lay Member
Bro. Charlie Preus, Lay Member
Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development:
Pastor Granardo Felix, Chairperson
Sis. Lona Smith, Vice Chairperson
Recording Secretary/Executive Secretary:
Sis. Sha Baker
Membership Secretary:
Sis. Sha Baker
Campus Ministry Representative:
Sis. Mishonda Felix
Camps and Retreats:
Sis. Nancy Scofield
Youth Ministry
Bro. Dick Burnett
Bro. Harley Ess
Sis. Nancy Scofield
Sis. Sha Baker
Sis. Nancy Fobert
Bro. Gary Fobert